Get up to $2,000 points! (Campaign for USA and Canada)

We are running a special campaign for USA and Canada.
You can get up to $2,000 (points) based on the number of vehicles purchased in a month. The points can be used on your next purchases.

1. Eligibility
The points campaign is open to all BE FORWARD customers who purchase cars for USA and Canada.

2. How to Get Points
Purchase more than 2 cars within a month (from the 1st day until the end of each month)
The points will be awarded in the following month.

3. How to Check the Points Amount?
The awarded points will be available and visible in your BE FORWARD account (MyPage ≫)

4. Requirements of Valid Purchase
The following conditions must be strictly respected.
a. Car to Purchase:

b. Confirmation of Payment:
Confirmation of your payment receipt for making a booking must be made during the month.

You will receive a confirmation email of your payment from BE FORWARD.

Points will be awarded to customers who meet all of the above conditions.

5. Campaign Period
This campaign runs from April 1st, 2024 until further notice by BE FORWARD.

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