Safety Tips Every Driver & Pedestrian Should Know

When we are choosing a car to buy, we always choose the vehicles with good safety features and equipment. We want it safe for the driver and the passengers. It is also the same when we are behind a wheel, we must consider the safety of the driver, the passengers, and the pedestrians. We are … Read more

Distracted Driving: Don’t Do It!

A lot of people do it. It’s right there, buzzing away. Your phone just went off, alerting you to a text message from someone. Who is it from? What if it’s important? OMG, I have to read it right now or it’s going to drive me crazy! So, you pick up your phone and look away from the road, the next thing you know you are waking up in hospital wondering what happened and why you can’t feel your legs.


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Use these tips to get ready for your perfect Summer Road Trip.

Road trips are a fun getaway even when you just need to escape the monotonous reality for a couple of hours. As there are no rules governing how long a road trip should be, it could be a couple of hours long or even a couple of days or weeks long, the choice is entirely up to you. Prior to a good road trip though, proper planning is required. The last thing you would want is to be stranded in the middle of an isolated highway with a broken down car and without any hope for road rescue. So what are some of the preparations you could make in advance to ensure you have a great trip?

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Autonomous Driving Past, Present, and Future


Just uttering the words ”autonomous driving” will stir a debate that can quickly rage into a fire burning as hot as any religious furor could hope to achieve. The tech minded, forward-thinkers see it as the future, the less inclined see it as a way to lose a small portion of our humanity and control over our daily lives. Whichever side of the fire that you are on, autonomous driving has arrived. It has moved beyond the research phase and is making deep inroads into full development. Implementation cannot be far from the horizon. With a self-driving car close to being in every driveway, let’s have a look at the past and present of the autonomous vehicle as well as a few autonomous vehicle predictions for the future.

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