Hino Motors, Ltd., Hino for short, is one of the largest suppliers of quality commercial vehicles in the Asian and Pan-Pacific markets. The company also has a large presence in North America and the Indian markets. The company has a reputation for producing a variety of extremely rugged and reliable commercial options that can be easily customized for a plethora of uses. With such a wide variety of commercial vehicles to choose from, it can be hard to find one that truly fits your needs. To help you, we have provided a brief history of Hino and a list of three of the company’s more versatile vehicles.
Africa’s Top 4 Best-selling Pickup Trucks
Everywhere you look, people and goods have got to get from place to place, sometimes at the same time. If you only need to move goods, a standard pickup or cargo truck might do the job. On the other hand, if you need to move people, a sedan or SUV is just as well.
In the middle is the pickup truck, as versatile as it is useful, which has helped pickup trucks to become one of the best-selling vehicle types on the market. Here, we take a closer look at 4 of the best-selling pickup trucks on the African market in recent years.